Our Use Cases.

Your Possibilities.

Benefit from RoboTastic’s experience in automation

With RoboTastic's automation solutions, our clients in the chemical industry achieved 18,000 people hours
of productivity gains in six supply chain departments within a span of 2 years.

Client's achievements with RoboTastic from 2022-2023

Logistics Operations “Delivery Cost Management"

Freight Cost settlement automation

Fortunately, Her Company Decided To Use RoboTastic Services

Cross-company auto consolidation

Robot prepares billing reports, intelligently combining system and Service Provider freight cost lists and showing mismatches. Auto-emails for decision making to relevant approvers.

RPA does the work,
you oversee it

Automated update of cost mismatches / extra cost in transportation and freight management systems (TMS), whilst maintaining full transparency to operators via completion or error alerts.

Autonomous payment execution

No-touch accounting process in adjacent systems to release logistics service payments

Primary cost reduction of 48 k USD in Li Na’s Logistics team in China

RPA is the fastest way to connect master data and transactional order systems which are not integrated

In payments to logistics service provider due to improved mismatch identification for this company in China

with Logistics Service Providers for dispute clarification

Collection Management

Customized auto-payment reminders

Fortunately, His Company Decided To Use RoboTastic Services

Forward looking overdue calculation

Auto-executes invoice due date analysis by customer

RPA combined with Advanced analytics

Intelligent payment vs. invoice matching customized to local market / customer behaviors

Intelligent and automated customer communications

Automation of fully personalized messages in different languages and individual SLAs using Generative AI

Raj can focus 80% of his time on customer credit assessment instead of repetitive reminder activities

Very attractive break-even due to relatively low implementation efforts, but significant gains in more on-time Account Receivables

through reduction of overdue payments & upcoming payment timeliness

for new orders due to reduced credit blocks on previous customer orders

Customer Service

Purchase Order Auto-Processing With Customer Order Platforms

RoboTastic Developed Standardized Automations For Customer Portal Handling

Streamlined processes
for order input

Automated data input into ERP system of electronics manufacturer

Automated customer
portal access

16 individual robots cater for different customer systems, processes and service levels

Automation toolbox
for efficient expansion

Scalability to different services and more customer portals ensured through modular solutions

Manufacturer decided to reduce team size by 1.5 FTE

Extensive automation fleet requires higher effort – long-term benefits very positive

Manufacturer ensures customer satisfaction by maintaining service level and reducing costs

Due to automated transactional order handling

Supply Chain Planning

Automated synchronization of replenishment order schedules with customer order promise

RoboTastic Ingested Robotic Automation Into Jenny’s Replenishment Process

Standardized data exchange with LSP

Integrated data exchange with service providers on 4 hour service level through automations

Automatic connection of planning & customer
order process

AI powered RPA enables decision making and delivery schedule update in transactional systems

Autonomous order

Subsequent customer order re-scheduling and communication to frontline departments

Freed up capacity for Jenny through fully-automated replenishment re-scheduling

With RPA we could quickly achieve positive returns for this cross-functional end-to-end process

With improved ETA quality in China per month

For impacted products in outbound warehouses


Master Data Management

Fortunately, His Company Decided To Use RoboTastic Services

AI-powered data extraction

Auto-gathers master data information from scanned documents directly using Intelligent Document Processing Platforms

Intelligent data entry

Auto-transfer data into multiple systems with fast processing

AI Powered decision making

Auto-detection of exceptions and decision and escalate automatically if required

Zoya shifted 72% of his time to data quality excellence

AI powered RPA is the fastest way to connect master data and transactional order systems which are not integrated

with fast and accurate data entry automations

for Master Data Creation of Customer 'Sold-to' and 'Ship-to' accounts

Sales Execution Reporting

Pricing, Material Allocation and Month-End Volume Target Reporting

Fortunately, Her Company Decided To Use RoboTastic Services

AI powered Web & System Data Crawling

Auto-consolidate data from ERP, Pricing Software, Webapp & Framework PDF Purchase Agreements using
web crawling agents

Turning Data into Sales Insights & Actions

Auto-transform raw-data into meaningful and actionable sales recommendations & to-dos incl. escalations.

Short interval report distribution

Automations enable proactive response to transaction defects such as missing price, allocation mismatch and volume-price month-end target status

Daisy saves ~2.5 hours per day and she and her manager decided to utilize this time to do more market research

Our solution revolutionized sales reporting, automating the generation of 105 monthly reports and enhancing efficiency.

Investment for report automation provides quickest return

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